Forget Me Not Pots is going to get your black thumb to turn in the right direction.

When starting to shop for indoor plants, it can be overwhelming trying to choose the right plant for your space. If you look online, there is almost too much information out there. We are hoping to break it down for you, as well as give you specific plants that are EASY to maintain and are great gateway plants for your indoor plant experience. Read below for the necessary tools, environment, and plant care tips to set you up for success.
Indoor Plant Necessities
Some of our favorite indoor plant tools, fertilizers and containers can be purchased off of Amazon. Check out a few of our favorites below:

Plant Location
Plant location is important and cannot thrive anywhere in your home. All plants were not born as an indoor plant, so we need to replicate their natural environment as best as possible. Every indoor plant you buy should come with a plant tag listing the basic needs of the plant, including the level of light it prefers. Here is a list of terms for light requirements and a breakdown of each.
Direct Light- Most south facing windows will have the sun shining directly thru the window inside your home. You will get the crispest shadows with this lighting.
Bright Light- This is the brightest light you get through a window without the sun rays shining through, most likely a few feet away from a south facing window. Another way to think of this is if you are able to read a book in your home with natural light from the outside, this is considered bright light.
Moderate or medium light- this is in a room with a window in the furthest corner. It is still getting natural light, but any shadows aren’t crisp and are fuzzy.
Low light- very dull light, would want an additional light if trying to read, but still lights up during the day. Barely there shadowing. All plants will need some daylight reaching it, but low light plants can be the furthest away from a window and do well.
One of the main questions we get is how and how much do I water? Watering indoor plants will be less than your outdoor plants because it is not affected by the outdoor elements- wind, sunlight, cold air, etc. Indoor plants are in a controlled temperature and lighting environment and don’t need much water to survive. This is a general water statement and some indoor plants will need more depending on the variety- again pay attention to the plant tag that comes with your plant. If there is no plant tag, consider the plant itself and its natural environment. A succulent that stores water in its leaves because it is used to not getting rainfall will need less water than a tropical bird of paradise that normally lives in the rainforest that gets moisture almost everyday- through rain or humidity. Here are a few terms that you might see when referring to watering needs.
Dry out slightly- this means the plant likes when the soil becomes dry for a short period of time. Plants that are good to dry out lightly will include succulents, cactus and Snake plants.
Slightly moist- This level of watering is most common. You want to keep the soil slightly moist and make sure not to overwater. In order to see if your soil is slightly moist, feel with your finger if the top inch of soil is cool to the touch but dry, this is when you will need to water again. If your finger feels damp and soil sticks to it, then wait a few more days to water.
Evenly moist- these plants won’t want to dry out at all between waterings. Feel the soil to make sure it is slightly wet and the soil sticks to your fingers lightly. Wet these frequently, but lightly.
Indoor plants will need nutrition added in occasionally. Most indoor potting soils will have a fertilizer in it but it will help with additional fertilizer to help promote growth. Use the less is more approach so you don’t burn the plant with too much nutrition. We like to use a slow release fertilizer that feeds over time with watering.
We prefer to keep indoor plants in the nursery can it comes in from the store, and we “drop pot” the plant into a more decorative container. This can be a cache pot, which is considered a decorative pot with no drainage hole. Or you can use an actual plant container that includes a drainage hole.
Easy Indoor Plants for Beginners
Below is a list of easy to maintain plants to try out inside your home. Your black thumb anxiety will subside as you add green to the scene!
Pothos- this is one of the easiest to grow as it shows you when it hasn’t had water. The leaves will droop down and just look sad. Water it in really well and the next day the leaves will have sprung back up! There are many different varieties that work well in low to bright light. The more the leaves are variegated- the brighter the light it will need.
Snake Plant or Sansevieria- a great mid sized plant that stores water in its leaves in case of “drought” Meaning you forgot! It is also considered a super purifier plant. Works in low to bright light. Has a modern feel to it with its upright, sword-like, or snake-like leaves. Looks great in any style container. Water thoroughly when dry to the touch. Trim off any brown tips and it will callous over at the cut.
ZZ Plant- the oh so easy plant. This plant works in the lowest light and requires slightly moist watering, but ok if it dries out. There are many varieties, but we love the Black Raven ZZ Plant, it is so swanky! Keep the leaves shiny by wiping with a damp cloth or leaf shine to look its best.
Spider plant- a mother plant that keeps on giving! This is another super purifier plant that produces baby “spiderettes! These can be trimmed off, placed into water and given away to friends to have their own spider plant. It has a full, draping appearance that can be hung for added drama.
We hope this gives you the confidence to get yourself an indoor plant that will add many benefits to your home!